Monday, July 30, 2012

Avatars that visit tempura---ACT 17

Tempura アバター百景その17

Hi, this is Chikae ella Tempura SIM officer.
こんにちわ、Tempuraシムオフィサーの Chikae ella です。

In order to get on with relationships, there are few small secrets.

A mind of reflection to say “sorry about that”
A mind of accepting to say “I understood”
A mind of humility to say “Thanks to you”
A mind of service to say “I will do it”
A mind of gratitude to say “Thank you”

I have been getting together with the Tempura family keeping in mind not to forget the above five minds.
Among all, the most important consideration is the gratitude, because I know well that the families have been devoting themselves entirely to the service of Tempura affectionately.

Here we present Hundred Avatars at Tempura ACT 17.
The talent of Aris is in full blossom pleasantly. Her technique and sense are now reaching the foremost rank. Also her honest character with full of spirit is bursting out of the screen of the work.

They are rally enjoyable heartily. Please take all the fun out of them.







A person who is called a star measures up to our expectation, but a superstar will soar higher than the expectation.

A sure method in love is not to like someone too much, but to let the other side like you.

A pet is very comfortable friend, who does neither query nor criticize.

The best answer for the anger is silence.


A lady in memory tends to be considered more beautiful than a lady in real life.


A girl prefers to be subjugated by a strong man, rather not to collar a weak one.

An era without a hero is unhappy, but an era that needs a hero is worse.

In most cases, the upmost man is among bachelors and the upmost lady is among marrieds.

Please see me and feel me.  I have been in love with you for such a long time…

Although I am dubious about my affection, I have no doubt that I am green-eyed.

A year from now, my anxiety at this time would become a piece of nothing.

For a man, it is hard to do something else while falling in love with a girl.

Grief or glee, emotion or demotion, it is important to taste them always acceptingly.

I did not fall in love with a married man, but the man I loved had a wife incidentally.

The wise will create aphorisms and the fool will repeat them.

In any person’s life, there are hills and dales, rainy or windy days.

A life is not heavy. It would be easy if you are fascinated with it risking losing yourself casually.

You will chase your work, and be chased by the work.

Let us gather small happiness as much as possible. They will blossom into a big one some time.

I want a love, I want you.  I am hunger for tenderness.

Photograph by: Arisara Ethaniel(Tempura photographer, Security )
Author: Chikae ella